Hawken Summer Studies is a 6-week summer program of credit, review, preview, and enrichment classes for students entering grades 6 - 12. This year we are offering both in-person classes, which take place at our Upper School campus in Gates Mills, and remote classes that are taken in the comfort of your own home. Our offerings are in the areas of mathematics, science, English, writing, critical reading, SAT & ACT prep, and health studies. The Summer Studies program is open to students from public, parochial, home, and private schools except where noted.
Early registration is encouraged and allows us to guarantee course offerings at earlier dates as soon as the enrollment is sufficient. Registration is available online by visiting hawken.edu/summer. A $40 registration fee must accompany the registration form.
Balances are due the Friday before classes/camps start. 
Contact Information
Hawken Summer Studies
5000 Clubside Road
Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124

Andrew Cleminshaw, Coordinator
P 440.423.2114
F 440.423.2930 
Conditions of Enrollment
Hawken Summer Studies requires that all students subscribe to the following conditions of enrollment. The $40 non-refundable registration fee secures a student’s place in classes until Friday, June 7, when full payment is due. If a student registers and then withdraws from a class before the end of the first week of that class, one-half of the tuition will be refunded. No refunds will be made thereafter. Hawken Summer Studies reserves the right to cancel any course for which there is insufficient enrollment. In order to balance enrollments and ensure reasonably sized classes, it may be necessary to change a student’s selected class time if there are two sections of a course offered.

Flexible tuition percentages for the 2024-25 school year do apply to courses considered essential, including courses taken to accelerate curriculum progression, courses taken to remediate academic skills, courses taken for enrichment of academic skills, and courses taken to make room for additional academic courses beyond graduation requirements. Courses taken to reduce a student’s schedule load in the fall are not eligible for flexible tuition. Questions about flexible tuition can be directed to the Summer Studies Office. Health 1 is limited to a $50 tuition reduction regardless of the flexible tuition percentage awarded. We are sorry, but we cannot offer financial aid to students who attend schools other than Hawken.
Important Dates
December - June: Registration confirmations will be emailed on a rolling basis. Notice of class changes and/or cancellations will be communicated as soon as possible by phone or email so you may plan accordingly.

June 7: Full payment due for classes June 10; Opening day for most Summer Studies classes

June 19: No classes (Juneteenth)

June 28: Three-week classes end

July 4: No classes (Independence Day)
Student Evaluations
Parents of students will receive their child’s written evaluation during the week following completion of each course. These grades and/or comments will be delivered using email by default. If you need to have the reports printed and sent by regular mail, contact our office. Six-week courses will also provide a mid-term evaluation. Contact the Summer Studies coordinator if evaluations and/or grades need to be forwarded to other schools.
Academic Credit
Hawken School academic credit is granted only as specified in individual course descriptions. If a student does not attend Hawken, permission to seek academic credit should be cleared through the administration at the student’s school in advance of taking a course.